10 Things You Should Get Rid of Right Now!

10 things you should get rid of right now

Looking to cut down on the clutter this Summer?

Here is a list of 10 things that we most often find accumulating in people’s homes.   Decluttering these items can be quick, easy and relatively painless! 

#1 - Mugs

We all have our favorite mugs, the go to’s that we reach for every morning.  But what about the countless mugs that barely get used? Whether they were gifted, purchased as a souvenir or the type that we get for free as advertising from our accountant, they tend to accumulate quickly! We recommend pairing down your mug collection to your top 2-4 everyday mugs per person.  This number will guarantee that you won’t be left mugless in the morning but will leave your cabinet feeling much less claustrophobic.   

#2 - DVD’s

Are you still hanging on to your DVD collection from years past? We understand the nostalgia behind these seemingly ancient relics, but the space that they take up just isn’t worth it.  If you don’t watch DVD’s or better yet, you don’t own a DVD player (do they even still sell them?) then it's a no brainer - donate them! If you do find yourself reaching for a DVD every so often, or your kids watch them in the car then by all means keep them,  but let’s consolidate! Removing the DVD’s from their cases and storing them in a binder like this will take up a fraction of the space. 

#3 - Take Out Menus

They get sent in the mail, delivered along with every take out order we receive and picked up at our favorite restaurants along the way so it’s no wonder that take out menus accumulate quickly.  We recommend keeping a list of your favorite take out restaurants on your phone, and ditching the take out menus completely!  Restaurant menus are always available online, often with daily specials and other changes that you wouldn’t know of by relying solely on printed menus. 

#4 - Instruction Manuals

They seem so important that many people have a hard time throwing away the instruction manuals that come with appliances and electronics.  But we’re here to let you in on a little secret - Just google it!  The instructions for nearly everything that you buy these days can be easily found online, along with YouTube videos on how to solve any issue.  If it makes you feel more comfortable to hang on to a manual until you really get the hang of the new item then by all means, file it away for short term storage.  After 6 months you should be ready to let it go. 

#5 - Holiday Decor

The urge to buy new decor each holiday season is real, we get it.  But whenever new decor is purchased, old decor should be purged!  Take a look through all of your seasonal decor and donate any items that haven’t been used in the past 2 years.  

#6 - Cleaning Supplies

We find that while many clients have an extensive collection of cleaning supplies, the cleaning supplies that are actually being used regularly are pretty minimal.  Do you have a swiffer mop that hasn’t been touched in a year? A collection of specialized cleaners that you never use because your multi surface cleaner does the job? Let those extra items go!


#7 - Books

Whether you display your books proudly on shelves, keep piles of books that you’re “going to read someday” or have books stashed away that you haven’t thought of in years, chances are that there are some books in your home that you can get rid of.  Take an honest look at the books in your home and give yourself the permission to purge.  Donating unwanted books to a local public library or passing them along to friends are all great ways to help your books live on - in someone else's space! 

#8 - Vases and Pots

Vases and pots come into our home filled with beautiful plants and flowers, and then remain long after said plants and flowers have expired.  The goal here is to recycle unused vases and pots as often as you receive new ones.  Consider keeping 1-3 of your favorites and letting the rest go.  

#9 - Socks

Any single socks without a mate and socks with holes can be tossed right now! Now, look through your remaining sock collection and ask yourself what pairs you really wear.  In reality 10-15 pairs of socks should be more than enough! 

#10 - Kids Toys

If you're a parent then you know how quickly kids' toys can pile up.  You also know how quickly your kids outgrow said toys! Take a look through your kid’s toy collection and get rid of anything with missing pieces, broken parts or that simply is not played with.  Get your kids involved with donated unwanted toys in good condition to other kids in need.  Try starting a system of “one in one out” with your kids' toys and let them know that they have to choose a toy to let go of each time a new toy is brought home.

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Are you feeling ready to declutter?

We hope that this list filled with simple decluttering tips will help jump start your decluttering this Summer!

Let us know in the comments below how many of these items that you have too many of! 

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Happy Organizing! 

Tasha Saavedra