Board Game Organization That Saves Space


If you’re like the millions of other families across the country who have more board games, puzzles and card games than you know what to do with, then it might be time to rethink how you store them in a way that saves space. Now before I jump into the details, I warn you that this is not for the faint of heart. If you can not stomach the idea of cutting up a board game box then DO NOT SCROLL ANY FURTHER! I am not kidding! This is not for everyone :)

But if you’re looking at your collection of board games thinking that they are taking up way too much space, or if you are tired of the boxes getting crushed, or losing pieces, then maybe it is time for a change. For the past two years this idea has been floating around the professional organizer world. I wish I could give credit for the original idea to someone in particular, but I am not sure who to attribute it to! I am grateful to that person though! Just look at how many games we could fit in this bin!

Enter zipped mesh pouches like these! They are a game changer for board game storage for so many reasons!

You are less likely to lose pieces if you store them in a zipped bag. They are resistant to water and moisture which protects your game pieces. They are durable (a requirement if kid’s are getting their hands on them!) They come in a variety of sizes so you can get the perfect fit for each of your board games. They are translucent so even little kids can see what is inside them. They are cheap (Yes!!! We love budget friendly organizing products)

So if you’re digging the look and think this is a project you can take on at home, here are the step by step guidelines and some important considerations!



  • Gather together all your board games, puzzles and card games that you want to transfer to zipped bags so you can count and measure them!

  • Measure the largest part of each game set to determine the size bag you need. Don’t forget that when you add in bulkier game pieces you might need to size up. For example, even if the game board itself fits in the medium sized bag but you have to add other pieces, they might take up enough space that you need the largest size. (Size up if you’re not sure!)

  • Buy your supplies and get a few extras because you will inevitably purchase other games as time goes on and I promise you that you’ll want these on hand!

  • Transfer all the pieces of your game to the zipper pouch and consider using rubber bands or smaller zippered bags to contain small pieces or cards.

  • Cut the label off of the board game box. (Choose a label that is a good size for the bag)

  • Use a heavy duty packing tape to adhere it to the bag (cover the whole board game label)

  • Don’t forget to transfer the directions page as well. If the directions are printed on the box, take a picture and then print the picture out.

Now sit back, relax and watch your kiddos play with their games and puzzles more than they ever have before. Let me know in the comments what you plan on doing with all that extra space you’ve saved now!


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