How to Manage and Organize Your Kids Artwork and Mementos

4 Ways to Organizing Kids Mementos

We all know that kid’s create a lot of memories. You’re not a bad parent if you want to keep every single one, and you’re not a bad parent if you want to be selective about the ones that you keep either. 

There are a number of ways that we can cherish and organize our kids mementos and the best part is that you don't have to choose just one. 

Smart Storage Ideas for Kids Memories

Memento File Box

One of our favorite solutions for keeping smaller memories such as awards, school papers, cards and small art pieces contained is with a memento file box.  Setting up this box couldn’t be easier. It takes less than 20 minutes, and this system will work for years to come! We’ve linked our favorite supplies below!


  • Weathertight File Box

  • Hanging file folders

Directions to Make It: Label each folder by grade from Pre-K through college and label the outside of the box with your child’s name (we think vinyl labels look best for this!)  We also include three additional folders labeled baby, cards and awards.  

How to Use It: As your child brings home papers throughout the school year you can slip your favorite pieces into the appropriate folder and you’re done! Once the file box fills up just move the empty folders into a new box and continue the process. 

Now you might be wondering “yeah, that is great...but what about those bigger and bulkier art projects that we want to keep? They won’t fit in a file box!” That is where our next suggestions comes into play. 

Art Portfolio Folder

For those bigger masterpieces that your kids bring home we’ve found that professional art portfolios work great for storing and viewing their creations. You can also use a large under bed storage bin or plastic tote.


How to Use It: Select your favorite pieces that you want to keep and drop them in the bin or slide them into the portfolio when you’re done displaying them around your house.  Not only will storing the art this way keep it protected but it will also encourage you to be thoughtful about what you are keeping as you see the bin or portfolio becoming full. The portfolio makes it fun to flip through the pages and view their artwork as well. Want to make it extra cute? Customize it with a vinyl label!

Digital Photo Book of Art Work

If you want to keep the memories without sacrificing the physical storage space then a digital photo book could be for you! Take photos of your child’s art throughout the school year and store it in an album on your phone (If you have a digital frame in your home you can also add the pictures to the frame!)

At the end of the year transfer those photos to a website like Chatbooks or Shutterfly where you can design and print a bound book. 

These books also make a great gift for grandparents and a fun addition to your coffee table. Kids love sharing their artwork with friends or family who visit! 

Short on time? Artkive is another great resource if you don’t have the time to snap photos and make a photo book yourself! 

Little Artist’s Gallery

Creating a designated gallery space for your children’s artwork in your home is a great way to celebrate and show them how much you love their creations. You can use any standard frames, or our favorite way is using easy open frames that open like a book! You don’t even need to take them off the wall to swap out the artwork. 


How to Use It: Designate an area in your home you or your child can store the artwork you want to rotate into the frames and choose an amount of time you will leave art work up. Pick a timeframe that works for your lifestyle. Weekly might be too much but seasonally might be too infrequent. Kids will LOVE helping you swap out their art work and seeing their new creations displayed on the wall! 

An added bonus? The frames will help limit the amount of art that gets displayed at once, keeping the gallery wall from becoming cluttered and unmanageable. 

More Clutter Free Ways to "Cherish" Children’s Art 

  • Send the art to grandparents or other family members that live far away

  • Donate artwork to local nursing homes to bring joy to the residents

  • Use the art to wrap presents or turn pictures into greeting cards

  • Repurpose old artwork for new artwork like decoupage or collages

Easy Routines to Manage Kids Artwork

All of these systems and storage options are amazing ways to manage their mementos, but you can’t forget about the routines you need to ensure that these storage solutions actually work!

  • Decide right away if it will get displayed, stored or recycled - don’t let it accumulate in a pile.

  • If you're storing artwork digitally, take pictures as soon as the artwork enters the home - even consider taking pictures of the kids holding their artwork!

  • Make artwork decluttering a part of your yearly spring cleaning or when the school year ends. Whittle down your collection to your favorites (if you want to!) both with the physical artwork as well as your digital library. 

Bonus: Storing Kids Physical Mementos

 For larger items (special outfits, favorite teddy bear, hospital blankets etc) we recommend keeping a large bin for each child.  Storing this bin in their closet or somewhere else that is easily accessible will make it easy to toss in items that are no longer being used but are too precious to get rid of.

Don’t have the storage space for a large bin in their room? Designate a smaller bin that can serve as a “holding tank” and when that fills, bring the items to the larger bin that you’re keeping elsewhere (basement, attic, etc).  

Do you feel ready to tackle your little artist's creations?

I hope that these tips and tricks have helped ease your mind and take the stress out of the mountains of memories that our kids create! Remember, you don’t have to choose just one solution, in fact it's best to mix and match to make sure that you are storing things in a way that fits your lifestyle.  

For more kid friendly organizing solutions check out our post on 5 Tips to Stay Organized With Distanced Learning and Board Game Organization That Saves Space

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Happy Organizing Friends!